Fairy Best Life
Hi Magical Being!
I'm Sabrina, a.k.a. Fairy Best Life. For me, Fairy Best Life is the soul mission that has not only guided my path, but has shown me the way to guide others into a more enchanted, empowered, and connected way of being. I believe we all have our own inner magic that once we awaken, we can tap into the magic of this world and embody the fantasy instead of seeking to "escape" into fantasy. I'm an entrepreneur spreading this message as a singer songwriter, immersive events producer, an advisory board member of the viral movement Black Fae Day, and as the President and co-founder of F.A.E. or Folklore Arts Embodiment. I am honored to have performed on prestigious stages of Broadway, Radio City Music Hall, and The Apollo Theater. I have also collaborated with organizations such as Meow Wolf, NYRP, and Black Fae Day LLC. I have produced several events, including ones for Art Island ATX and REST Fest ATX. I have had art installations featured at Burning Man, as well as had my handcrafted art pieces sold at several renowned markets. I have also been a featured performer at some incredible events such as Night Fire's Cottage Core, Dorian's Gilded Society Witch's Convent, Sahara Lounge ATX SXSW showcase, Black Fae Day Gala: ROYALS, and many more!
With a mystical toolkit of astrology, numerology, ritual, art, music, dance, and story, it is my mission to be a steward of the fae realm and help bring humanity back to a place of magic, wonder, community, and connection with Spirit, Nature, and each other. I’m passionate about helping souls rediscover their unique magic, recalibrate their inner compass towards soul fulfillment, and redefine the contours of a deeply fulfilling life, as I have done by stepping into my LIVING LORE.
Fairy Best Life
Fairy Portals
Immersive events, Craft markets, and Live Performances